
“The Red Sofa” by Paul Ilechko

Photo by Rene Asmussen from Pexels

The Red Sofa The narrow strand was an ink stain was a thin black line on the red sofa where you waited until the mystery resolved and the wind shook you as the sun lifted your smoke as she removed your tie as you showered her with orchids … and now you sit in rocking chairs so old your memories fade and darkness grants you one last wish but your son was never born and the candles send dreams of bones to gather in darkness between the wooden beams and the faded white of the ceiling paint and here is where it ends.

Paul Ilechko is the author of the chapbooks Bartok in Winter (Flutter Press, 2018) and Graph of Life (Finishing Line Press, 2018). His work has appeared in a variety of journals, including Manhattanville Review, West Trade Review, Cathexis Northwest Press, Otoliths and Pithead Chapel. He lives with his partner in Lambertville, NJ, USA. 

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