
“Again, Again” by Titilayo Adeoye

Again, Again

I am seeing sights again Those strange legs mamma said I must not see

If I see them, I will not get married

I am hearing voices again Those wild whispers baba said I must not hear

If I hear them, I will run mad

I am eating at the market square again Those soups grandmother said I must not eat in my dreams

If I eat them, I will become barren

Again, again my head is spinning Full of dreams my villagers said were abominations

I pray my dreams rescue me

Titilayo Adeoye writes from Ibadan, Nigeria. Bits of her creative gem have appeared or are forthcoming on African Writer, Kalahari Reviews, Avocet Journal #204,, Bakwa Magazine, Sabinews, Praxis Magazine and elsewhere. She edits for Kraft Books, Ibadan, Nigeria. You can follow her on instagram @adeoyepelumi.

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  • Titilayo Adeoye
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