
“The flow” by Abunic Sherif II

Image by Mariusz Prusaczyk from Pixabay

The flow when next you walk to the river; sit down on the bank and wait for nature’s finest show. take the sun that sleeps in your eyes and stitch it back in the sullen sky. hush the angry leaves rustling in the wind- in fear of the eerie sounds of the night. swallow the voices of the gulls & wear the skins of the water birds. watch like a hawk- the fisherman mending his nets & marvel at how rivers tend to flow from sad eyes/ to happy faces.

I am Abunic Sherif II, a young Liberian writer, poet, lover of nature, and an environmentalist. I write mostly about depression, pain, and tears. As a beginner, my works have been published on Spillwords and Poetry Soup, and on local poetry pages.

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