
“December Breaths” by Femi Ayo-Tubosun

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Harmattan reminds me of Katsina- A tired land breathing through gruff pathways. Stuffed nostrils wheezing, airspace huffing, puffing, panting all day long. It is the season of pale days and cracked lips, and we harbor hope that the old faces on new campaign bills, or God, or the new year will bear the weights that bent our bones all year long. December meets us in this hazy place. The sun is riding down the time. And dust is stirred by feet too tired to care which way the wind blows.

Femi Ayo-Tubosun is a Nigerian writer and poet. He is on a journey to write as well as he possibly can. When bored, he takes long furtive walks and listens to folk songs. You can find his works at

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  • Femi Ayo-Tubosun
  • Poetry
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