
Women's Day Series: Days Are Coming

“soapwater queen” © OsyMizpah Unuevho

Days Are Coming
by Chiamaka Nwabueze (Tiana)

Days are coming, When all company would turn into isolation, When all smiles would fade into dark night, Leaving you to pine for the old me. Days are coming, When my little indecisive soul, Would take up the mantle of decision, And journey through paths That might make or mar its whole existence. Days are coming, When my little feet would love the feel of walking away from you, And my little head would learn never to look back at you. Days are coming, When my eyes would not try to seek your consent, And my little hands would raise to silence Those lips which mocked And discouraged my willing spirit. Days are coming, When my lips would smile, sing and speak Of my bravery and ageless beauty, Only then would you yearn for the presence Of this ever smiling, realistic Easy to predict maiden you neglected,

But would be met with an absent revised version of me.

poem: Chiamaka Nwabueze (Tiana) is a female writer from Lagos. She is currently an undergraduate student of the University of Benin, where she studies English language and Literature .

photograph: OsyMizpah Unuevho (ig: @the_mizpah) writes and collects poetry and rock samples from everywhere. Member of the Hill-top Arts Foundation, he is a road photography, mental paintings enthusiast and lover of rock, indie, experimental folk, shoegazing et cetera feminine bands and he loves the deep in everything.

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