
“The world and the fear that carries it” by David Oluwatoyin Kokumo

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The world and the fear that carries it Fear is not an illusion. At least mama agrees. You hear it in her heartbeats when She tries to cross the road holding her son She hears it in the voices of tires When they careen shamelessly to their ruin You feel it in the knock-out tightened grip She subjects your hands to, crossing the road She feels it in the arrest of the numbers Of people that have drowned walking the path you do You know it when she looks at you with livid eyes Attempts to warn you that vultures career the world— That her little chick is better off shaded by her wings She knows it when she does tell you to be safe

But leaves you to the grace of a prayer — her only stronghold

David Oluwatoyin Kokumo is a Nigerian third year student who writes from The University of Ilorin. He has keen interests in the intricacies of nature. He also prays his works will one day effect a change in the flagging state of Nigeria and by extension, Africa. He tweets @Mir_koks.

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