
ORIGAMI to release Laura Kaminski's third collection.

ORIGAMI, an imprint of Parresia Publishers, is set to release DANCE HERE, a collection of poetry by Laura M. Kaminski who is also known as Halima Ayuba. DANCE HERE is Laura’s third full-length collection, and her first published in Nigeria.

Laura’s poems ‘Incubation‘ which was first published in Praxis Magazine and ‘Conveying the Blessing’ which was recently nominated for the the Pushcart Prize are among forty seven (47) poems that make up the one hundred and fourteen (114) paged collection.

The American poet who grew up in Bambur, Jos, and Yola, Nigeria (mostly in Jos), said that the collection includes poems taken from her childhood in Nigeria, and a section of elegies / grief songs for victims of violence, particularly in Jos, Maiduguri, Baga, and Chibok. Laura is dedicating royalties from the book to support children and victims of insurgency: “All royalties from the first edition are staying in Nigeria in support of projects for children: feeding, literacy, acts of kindness to orphans in IDP camps and elsewhere,” she said.

Laura’s previous collections are ‘Last penny the sun,’ and ‘Considering Luminescence’. AMAB Books and other distributors are expected to announce pre-order and availability dates in the near future. Pre-orders are open immediately for US customers. Please contact Laura M Kaminski directly via Facebook or via the Contact Page on her blog.

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