
“North Peace/ But Pieces” by Rahma O Jimoh

Photo by Nat Fernández on Unsplash

NORTH PEACE/ BUT PIECESin this part of the world/ the sky bleaches/ from blue to red/ dawn to dusk/ as souls thin into/  by noon its blazing hurt/ hot from the juice fermented from innocent bodies/ by evening the sky is red coal. in my birth land, Northland/ we watch souls through windows/ evaporate to the sky/ like you watch soap operas through plasma/ evaporate to tragedy/ to nothingness/ to join the already stormy sky/ stealthily like serpents/ deaths by guns & bombs/ by hunger and fear/ bodies numbed on the streets/ blown brains bottling down dreams/ blood sea storming all over/ sneaking up to the sizzling sky.widows & orphans dead in their heart/ pain killers on every kitchen counter/ the sun does set never to rise again/ our homeland houses walking dead/ this part of the world/ houses north peace/ but pieces./

Rahma O Jimoh is a student of Mass Communication, Olabisi Onabanjo University. She writes on identity and humanity, trends and politics. Some of her works have been published or featured in some journals. She currently resides in Ogun State. She’s an ardent lover of nature and adventure. She’s also a prolific writer and essayist; she has a short story, Thorns In Turns, to her name.

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