
AkeFest15: On People and Language

We are at Ake Arts and Book Festival and today, Jalada, a platform that promotes writings and translations in African indigenous languages, held a reading at the Exhibition Hall.

Dami Ajayi begins by reading a story, in English, about a drunk doctor. The beauty in the diversity of African languages is however expressed as Zimbabwe writer, Novuyo Rosa Tshuma, reads a translated version of an EC Osondu piece in Isindebele and the energy from her voice thrilled the audience. She confesses how great she felt reading in her mother tongue.

Mehul Gohil, from Kenya, reads a story in Swahili and as Wanjeri Gakuru giggles along, Dami Ajayi reveals that the story is centred around sex. A translation in English by Mehul got the audience laughing.

Wanjeri Gakuru reads last in English and the session ends with the announcement of the Short Storyday Africa prize by Rachel Zadok.

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