
Through the Eye of a Needle: Art in the Time of Coronavirus, Volume 2

Praxis Magazine Online recently published Through the Eye of a Needle: Art in the Time of Coronavirus, a digital chapbook of essays edited by Darlington Chibueze Anuonye. Today we are delighted to bring you a second volume of powerful, timely, thought-provoking essays: Through the Eye of a Needle: Art in the Time of Coronavirus, Volume 2.

“Art is a wonder, and there is no end to it. What art is and what it will become lie within the genius of the enchanted imagination of the artist and their longing for creative powers capable of transforming mere ash into a magnificent artifact. So with dedication and care, this volume carries the legacy of continuity, in a manner that allows its peculiar accomplishments to shine through. It rises together with the first volume as a tribute of hope in these uncertain times. Although the contributing authors, as chefs, use their unique recipes to prepare this banquet of words, they do not cook only for themselves. Anyone who is hungry has a place at this wondrous feast.”

Download and read: Through the Eye of a Needle, Volume 2.

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