
Lynn White: Three Poems

Image by RÜŞTÜ BOZKUŞ from Pixabay

Lest We Forget We think you can see us, you know who we are behind our masks Not everything is hidden. We are not hidden. We are out in the open in plain sight even if masked. So join us for a snack, a glass of wine, a coffee. Enjoy! Take a sip with us lest we forget what to do when we go outside. Step back in time one taste at a time, one sip at a time. Remember the first time is always challenging and won’t ever be forgotten. Remember! As we will remember the ones behind the masks and the ones in hiding, the ones we know are there but cannot see. We know who you are. No one is forgotten. Nothing is forgotten. That’s our promise

one sip at a time.

An Ordinary Moon It’s an ordinary moon. Not special like a harvest moon or a blood moon or a pink moon in April. It’s not even full. It doesn’t have to be. The tides still obey it and when it shines through the clouds it lights me up. Is that ordinary that mystic moonlight?

Spider She hangs suspended, like a puppet dancing to the tune of the wind. Blown this way, blown that, buffeted, but only briefly before she takes control like the mistress puppeteer she is powerful free to spin her silk to weave her web as she wills. Or so she thinks. But it’s an illusion. She’s trapped. Trapped and wrapped by her dna as securely as any fly, her patterns pre-ordained pre-programmed destined to be repeated millennia after millennia in her genes.

Lynn White lives in north Wales. Her work is influenced by issues of social justice and events, places and people she has known or imagined. She is especially interested in exploring the boundaries of dream, fantasy and reality. She was shortlisted in the Theatre Cloud ‘War Poetry for Today’ competition and has been nominated for a Pushcart Prize and a Rhysling Award. Her poetry has appeared in many publications including: Apogee, Firewords, Peach Velvet, Light Journal and So It Goes. Find Lynn at: and

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