
“Listen” by Lynn White

Image by Tea Chai from Pixabay


Listen, can you hear them? The sounds that went before the wall was built. Listen, I can hear them. Not the wall builders, no, not them, but others who also don’t want to see what lies beyond. What lies on the other side. Others who will build walls in the future. But listen, we can hear them. Listen. Listen for when the cracks appear, then push.

Lynn White lives in north Wales. Her work is influenced by issues of social justice and events, places and people she has known or imagined. She is especially interested in exploring the boundaries of dream, fantasy and reality. She was shortlisted in the Theatre Cloud ‘War Poetry for Today’ competition and has been nominated for a Pushcart Prize and a Rhysling

Award. Her poetry has appeared in many publications including: Apogee,

Firewords, Vagabond Press, Light Journal and So It Goes Journal.
Find Lynn at: and

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