
AMAB Publishing acquires Nigerian rights for SATANS & SHAITANS

AMAB Publishing is delighted to announce acquisition of the Nigerian rights to publish Satans & Shaitans by Obinna Udenwe. Set against the backdrop of Nigeria’s on-going terrorist tensions, the book is acclaimed to be ‘a fresh, authentic new voice in Nigeria Crime Fiction’.

The book was first published in London by Jacaranda Books in 2014. Written ambitiously with authority and authenticity, Satans & Shaitans creates a solution pathway for many religious and socio-political problems in Nigeria. Because it is a Crime Fiction story at its heart with attendant implications on terrorism, the availability of its Nigerian version will make a great read and create multi-layer platforms of discourses for researchers, students, government officials, religious stakeholders, security experts, crime fiction fans and the general public.

Satans & Shaitans will be in the Nigerian public space in the first weeks of December 2015 in time for end of the year book acquisition. A pre-order page will be made public by mid-November 2015

Updated cover for Satans & Shaitans by AMAB Books

About the Author
Obinna Udenwe is one of the most prolific young short story writers in Nigeria. He was born in Abakaliki, Ebonyi state, to a political family and became politically active at a young age, leading Ebonyi State Children’s Parliament, and subsequently creating the Ugreen Foundation recognized by the government for its services amongst the youth.

Obinna Udenwe is one of the few African writers fearless enough to delve into controversial issues – in 2015 he eroticised the Nigerian church in fiction in a series titled Holy Sex, published to wide readership and criticism. His stories have appeared in Fiction365, Ehanom Review, Brittle Paper, Tribe, Kalahari Review, Alariwo, African Writer, Outside In Magazine, Books Live, etc., and anthologised in African Roar, Dreams at Dawn, ANA Review, and the Short Story is Dead Long Live the Short Story. He is the co-founder of the ‘Crossover Mexico-Nigeria’ writing project. Obinna Udenwe won the 2009 National Top12 Award and the 2012 African International Achievers Award. In 2014 he was honoured with the award of the ‘State Literary Icon’ by the Governor of Ebonyi State. He is a democracy enthusiast.

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