
“Wait a while” by Esi Mensimah Eghan

Wait a while before you take my smile The tears you painted on my face are yet to dry The pain from your favourite words still hurt The cut is still crimson, unfading and raw But my legs are weak, unmoving in your presence The masochist in me, yea she still craves for you Coming back to you, though you belittle me Is this love or foolishness, someone tell me? Oh, maybe this is madness, will I ever survive to know? The beauties, they keep flowing around you Why do I still follow you, please tell me? My ears always close, they’re cotton-stuffed When I’m told to listen to my brains Is this an addiction from a Venus potion? Will I ever get to know, will I? Wait for a while before you take this faded light out

Please wait for a while before you take my smile

Esi Mensimah Eghan is a final year KNUST student, reading Bsc. Agriculture. She comes from Saltpond, a town in the Central Region of Ghana, She is 21 years old, the third child in a family of seven. When she is not writing, she is either singing, reading or cooking.

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